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Moodby Play
Getting started
Moodby Play
Getting Started
Moodby Play profile
Playlists and Stations
Free trial and subscription
Music licensing
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Moodby Help Center
Moodby Play
Getting started
Moodby Play
Getting Started
Moodby Play profile
Playlists and Stations
Free trial and subscription
Music licensing
Moodby Play
Here you'll find the information about Moodby Play.
What is Moodby Play?
Getting Started
How can I create my account on Moodby Play?
How can I change the information on my profile?
How can I set up my Place?
How can I invite someone to my Place?
Roles and permissions on Moodby Play
Who can play music at my venue?
What devices can I use to stream music?
How do I update Moodby Play to the latest version?
What network settings are required for Moodby Play to perform smoothly?
Can Moodby Play stream music offline?
Moodby Play Intro
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Moodby Play profile
How can I delete my Moodby profile?
How can I reset or change my password?
How can I manage access to my Place?
How to use My Music section?
Playlists and Stations
What is the difference between a Playlist and Station?
How can I identify stations with explicit content?
Can I create a playlist on my own?
Can I get a custom station for my venue only?
Can I listen to a playlist or station before subscribing to it?
How do I avoid repeating track in playlists?
Is it possible to skip, block, or repeat tracks in my playlists?
How can I report a problem with a music station?
Can I import my playlists from Spotify to Moodby Play?
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Free trial and subscription
How can I get a free Moodby Play trial? How many days is it?
What types of subscriptions does Moodby Play offer?
How many subscriptions should I have to stream music in my venues?
Can I access Moodby Play without signing up?
How do I manage my Moodby Play subscription?
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How can I pay for my subscription?
What currencies can I use to pay for Moodby Play?
Music licensing
What music licenses do I need to legally stream music?
What is a CMO?
What happens if I get caught when illegally streaming copyrighted music?